Advances in science and technology mean that, when properly educated, today even a novice diamond buyer can select a brilliant, high-performing diamond with ease and self-assurance. These seven steps, assembled by Solasfera’s veteran diamond experts, represent the only tools you’ll need to determine a diamond’s true quality for yourself. The seven steps will lead you to a diamond with unparalleled brilliance, sparkle and fire.


You’re looking for a diamond that embodies the strength of your passion and the depth of your love. Solasfera’s team of experts has assembled a simple guide to help you make an informed decision.

Step 1:
Find Sincere Guidance

Find a knowledgeable and trustworthy jeweler who possesses the tools,
experience, and integrity necessary to help you select an ideal diamond.
Your jeweler should have an impeccable reputation for honesty and customer
service. Building a solid relationship with the right jeweler is the best way to
guarantee an enjoyable and rewarding buying experience.

Step 2:
Get a Grading Report

Make sure any diamond that you’re considering has been graded by
either GIA or IGI, the two most trusted independent institutions for
diamond grading and appraisal. Their reports provide accurate information
on the four fundamental characteristics of the diamond, known as "the
4Cs": Cut, clarity, color and carat weight.

Step 3:
Focus on Beauty Above Rarity

Facts about a diamond’s color, clarity, and carat weight primarily
describe its rarity. The most important question about the diamond
still remains: How does it actually perform? This is a function of how
it interacts with light, determined by its proportions, geometry, light
performance, light flow architecture, symmetry, and cut quality. Never
trade off the quality of a diamond’s cut to get a higher color or clarity
rating. You will most likely end up overpaying for a diamond that looks
inferior. Even a “D” colorless, flawless diamond will appear lackluster
if it has poor light performance.

Step 4:

Forget about the traditional, two-dimensional “ideal” measurements
and ratios: the simple fact to bear in mind is that a flawlessly cut
diamond doesn’t leak light. Ask to look at the diamond through
a Light Path Scope. If you see white spots, light is escaping through
its bottom, undercutting the diamond’s brilliance. Properly cut
diamonds do not leak light (for more information on the
Light Path Scope, see Off-The-Charts.)
Step 5:

Not all diamonds that prevent light leakage are equally brilliant
and beautiful. Faceting configuration is also key to a diamond’s
fire and sparkle. Ask to see a diamond’s GemEx Light Performance
Analysis Report [EG1], which will give you a snapshot of a diamond’s
light performance (for more information on GemEx, see Off-The-Charts.)
Step 6:

Light flow architecture and the careful placement of a diamond’s facets in
three dimensions play a major role in the diamond’s optical quality. Only
sharp, focused light can be seen across a dim room from 20 feet away.
Ask to use an Optical Symmetry Viewer to examine the quality and
design of the diamond’s reflecting facets. A round brilliant cut diamond
will exhibit a reflection pattern of hearts (when viewed from below) and
arrows (when viewed from above). The diamond’s brilliance should radiate
like a star, from its center to its edges, in crisp intense rays. Avoid
diamonds that have a distorted, crushed-ice appearance, or contain
dead zones (for more information, see Off-The-Charts.)

Step 7:
Trust the “Wow” Factor

Never buy a diamond without seeing it with your own eyes.
Make side-by-side comparisons. Observe the diamond from all
angles and in varying light. Gently rock the diamond in your palm
and notice how it sparkles while in motion. Be sure to look at the
diamond away from the jeweler’s showroom lights, which produce
simple surface glare that can easily be mistaken for brilliance.